Pocket Pistol Competition & Results

On Sunday 16th June we held The Pocket Pistol Competition on the 25m (Bob Blake) Range.                          Five competitors were on range and ready for the task ahead.

Detail 1   Precision: 6 series of 5 shots in 5 mins.  Detail 2  Rapid: 6 series of 5 shots. The target will make 5 exposures of 3 seconds, one shot to be fired at each exposure, target away time around 7 seconds.

In the first match the precision series, Class B Shooter Hugh Cummings posted a score of 291 ex 300, just one point behind was Class A shooter Ben Videgrain with 290. Could Hugh hold his composure in the rapid series? Unfortunately The Pressure got the best of Hugh and he only managed a score of 194 ex 300, but Ben kept his calm and was able to post a score of 279 ex 300.

In match 2 all on his own was Class A shooter Keith Videgrain, who had to wait because of shared items.        In the Precision Series Keith looked cool calm and collective on the firing point and used the time to his advantage and posted 294 ex 300. In the Rapid Series he knew what he had to do and not let the pressure get to him and he only dropped 20 points in the final stage and posted a score of 280 ex 300.


Name Precision Rapid Total X’s
KEITH VIDEGRAIN 294 280 574 18
BEN VIDEGRAIN 290 279 569 12
BARRY WALSH 286 259 545 9
HUGH CUMMINGS 291 194 485 10
BOB DE LA HAYE 254 222 476 4

Congratulations go out to this years winner Keith Videgrain & well done to all who took part.

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