JPA NRA1500 Trophy

On the 26/2/23 we held the first Full Bore event of the year at the Jersey Pistol Club, the JPA NRA1500.        It was a cold start to the shooting season, with only six entries ready on the line. Gloves or a hand warmer wouldn’t go a miss.  Never the less they gave it their all.


The Results 

  1. Rachel Lebacle         1420    x 42
  2. Ben Videgrain          1418    x 41
  3. Sumit Singh             1351    x 32
  4. Keith Videgrain         1340    x 33
  5. Andrew Ruellan        1275    x 26
  6. Bob De La Haye       1243    x 27

Congratulations go out to this years winner Rachel Lebacle and well done to those who took part.              Our next competition is the JPA Police Pistol 2 Trophy 12/3/23 on the JPC 50m range. please arrive by 12:30pm to help set up range, last report in time 12:45pm. Event starts 1:00pm sharp.

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